
Penong's Rooftop

Friday, the day when I started watching Rooftop Prince was the day I was supposed to study for CMSC 57. There was an internal war whether to study or watch, a lot of blood was shed. LOL. I ended up watching Rooftop Prince and got really hooked up so I just decided to study the next day morning(our quiz was on 3PM at Penong's Chicken Something). Saturday morning, I only had more or less 5 hours to study and spent 2 hours to watch 2 episodes of Rooftop Prince *insert Nothing's Gotta Stop Us Now by MYMP*. Once I start at something -especially K-dramas-, I just can't stop. In the end, I wasn't able to properly study and just went to school with my mind full of Rooftop Prince and a little counting principles.
Being punctual-says me-is really hard especially when waiting for your friends to arrive. I was 30  minutes early than everyone and  I sat in one of these "tambayan"s in school with a group of friends I don't  know and I was there for 5 minutes until I felt that it was actually really awkward so I just left and stood outside the school's gate. Upon the arrival of all my friends, we went to Penong's, our quiz venue. After that,  everything was a blur. I went home late that night because I met up with my mom and went grocery shopping. Upon arriving home, I again watched Rooftop Prince and finished 2 in the morning.

Now I'm busy watching the 3rd season of Vampire Diaries.

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